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Our Services

We at Asbury South encourage our members to worship in

whatever way best fits them.

Sundays at 10:00 am in the church or from the parking lot on 91.1fm.


Dress: We like to meet you where you are. Many of our members come in casual dress. You may see everything from jeans and tee-shirt to business casual or “traditional” church attire.


Children: Your little ones are always welcomed and encouraged to join us during services. 


Arrival: Typically, members enter through our main entrance, which faces the corner of Noe Bixby and Winchester Pike. You will be greeted with a smile and a warm welcome as you enter our narthex area. Once in the narthex, you will find handouts and additional church information. You’ll also be able to meet many of our members, who enjoy spending time visiting with and making new friends.


Accessibility: Our church is lucky to have our worship space on one story. We offer handicap accessible spaces for everyone. If you should need the assistance of a walker or a wheelchair, we have one you can use.


Giving: While all our services take up a “collection”, we see you as a guest and do not expect anything from you besides your joining us to worship and praise the Lord.

Our Ministries

Education (Ministry)

This ministry offers a variety of ways to learn about the Lord and Savior’s teachings. We offer adult and youth Sunday school, children’s church, confirmation, youth groups, vacation bible school, bible studies and discussion groups, as well as scholarships to further your faith and understanding.

Congregational Connections (Ministry)

A ministry group was formed to share the experience, celebration, and fellowship within Asbury South. They work to strengthen our faith by celebrating different events throughout the year and offering a plethora of different gatherings for fellowship, support, encouragement, and laughs. The group hosts the “Everybody’s Birthday Party”, a potluck lunch complete with cake and ice cream, the summer picnic, Thanksgiving potluck, and member spotlights.

Outreach (Ministry)                                                         

We are stretching our hand in God’s name to our congregation, the community, and our neighbors across the world. Our ministry has several ways we reach out ranging from serving warm meals to joining neighbors in their fundraisers. Our outreach helps to support:

  • Center for Groveport Madison Human Needs (CGMHN) and the Greater Groveport Food Pantry

  • Community Lunch – offered every Tuesday from 11am to 1pm and is free! Anyone who enters our church doors will be served a simple, hot, nutritious meal.  While this is free to the community, a free will donation is always accepted, but NEVER expected.

  • Community Store – Arrive early or stay after lunch and browse our community store. The store offers gently used household items (dishes, small appliances, bedding) for a minimal donation. All money collected will aid “outside” our church or to complete projects to make our church more user-friendly.

  • Easter Egg Hunt

  • Friday Morning Café – The perfect opportunity for the community to gather weekly. Staffed completely by volunteers, diners receive made-to-order breakfast, all for a donation of $6. The café’s mission is to raise money to help support, maintain, and improve the church building.

Missions (Ministry)

Promotes and coordinates all mission activities within the congregation. The Mission Team also supplies education, inspiration, and motivation, by leading the congregation in recognizing the Biblical responsibilities of every believer to be a participant in fulfilling the Great Commission to make disciples. These are some of their missions:

  • Adult Mission Trip to Henderson Settlement in Kentucky

  • Youth Mission rehabilitates or constructs homes for families

  • Crop Walk Team walks to help end hunger in conjunction with World Church Service

  • Advent and Lent Mission Projects:

    • Heifer International and Operation Christmas Child

  • Works with the Center for Groveport Madison Human Needs

  • Adopt – a – Family

  • Toy Collections

  • School Supplies Collection

  • “Touching Little Lives”

  • Scouting – Cub Scouts and both Boys and Girls Scout Troops

  • Trunk or Treat

Worship (Ministry)

Bringing opportunities of different ways that our congregation may worship our Lord in the services and beyond. It ranges from reading God’s word to singing, playing instruments or greeting guests with a smile. The team oversees:

  • The Adult Bell Choir – Rainbow Ringers

  • Altar Guild – supporting our sanctuary according to the liturgical calendar with appropriate cloths, banners, and altar flowers. The team also organizes the purchase of Christmas and Easter flowers and prepares the candles for the Christmas Eve services.

  • Asbury Handbell Choir – a choir made up of all ages (4 to adult). Using the Kristal Bell Method for playing bells, the ringers select the color they like and play that bell when they see the color on the “playing card” held by the director. They play during special occasions in the 10:00 am service and on Christmas Eve.

  • Audio/Visual Team

  • Chancel Choir

  • Communion Stewards

  • Greeters and Ushers

  • Praise Band

  • Worship Readers

Asbury Women's Circle

A community of Asbury South women whose purpose is to know God and experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ. They develop a creative, supportive fellowship together with concepts of missions through participation in the church’s global ministries. Each gathering includes a business meeting, a short program, and refreshments. They also host and organize:

  • Winter (December) Craft Show

  • Flea Markets

  • The Daughter Celebration honoring all the women and girls who have played an important role in our lives.

  • Mitten Tree

  • Prepare and serves bereavement meals at the church following funerals, February bake sales, and other fundraisers.​

Music Ministry

Just as our services offer many ways to worship the Lord, our music ministry offers multiple way's for members to praise the Lord with their gifts.

Both our praise team, praise band, and our chancel choir are led by Deb Schnitkey.

  •  Chancel Choir perform during the 10:00 am service. Choir sings both traditional hymns and modern  Christian music.

  • Handbell Choir, which is led by Connie Stephens, plays joyful noise during our 10:00 am service multiple times during the year.

Bible Studies/Fellowship Activities (Clubs)

  • Third Wednesday Club: Interested members gather at a local restaurant on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. You can find details of location or who to reach on the calendar.

  • GriefShare: If you have lost a loved one, we are here to help. Leaders help and encourage to find peace in passing. Meetings are held every Wednesday in the Lounge at 6:30 pm. There is a $15.00 cost for the workbook.

  • Adult Sunday School: Current study is “Who Needs a Superhero?”, which looks at how superheroes can further our faith. We watch part of the movie each week during class and then have a discussion.
  • Summer Bible Study: This study will be on Samuel. See what Samuel has in common with John the Baptist, Isaac, and Jesus Christ. The chapters are 1 Samuel 1-7.

  • Second Thursday Card Club: Our group shares a meal, which is potluck style, and plays cards. They meet at 6 pm on the 2nd Thursday of the month in the education wing, Room 9.

  • Dinner and a Bible Study: This is just as it sounds! The study group meets every Sunday at 6:30 pm to enjoy a wonderful meal in the Fellowship Hall. For more information, contact Oscar Bickerdt Jr. via email.

  • Parish Care Team: Team members help church members and friends, who are homebound, lonely, in the hospital, or in assisted living. They keep members up to date with church events and communion. They send cards, prepare meals, or offer small gifts.

  • Concordia:  A group that meets monthly to share in a meal, fellowship, and program. Concordia Friends helps support various projects and organizations throughout the year.

  • Meditation Garden: Need a place for group prayer or maybe need some time to sit and reflect? Our church offers a beautifully maintained meditation garden, which includes a fountain, on the east end of the church building.

Concordia Friends

Concordia Friends is a social group that meets the first Tuesday of every month at 11:30 am to share a meal and fellowship.  You do not have to be a member of Asbury United Methodist Church, South.  Everyone is welcome. 

Concordia Friends offer support to various ministries of the church.

United Methodist Women
Music Ministry
Concordia Friends
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Insight 03-08-2024.pdf

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