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Bob Sherman:

Currently serving:  Trustees Board member, Parsonage Ground Maintenance, Friday Morning Café, and Learning God's Word by attending Monday Morning Bible Study

Previously served: Praise Team Singer, Youth Group Leader, and Asbury Softball Team

Bob became a member of Asbury South in 1979, left and returned in 2002. In November 2019, Bob was crowned “Turkey of the Year”, which helped raise funds to purchase Christmas gifts for families in need.

Bob has been married for 43 years to his beautiful wife Kathy and they have a loving special needs child Jason. Retired from City of Bexley, Bob enjoys golfing, hunting, and fishing.


Deb Schnitkey:

Currently serving: Choir Director, Pianist, Praise Team member, rotates playing Offertory Music, accompanies on piano for any type of special music during service, and may help by ringing with the Bell Choir for delightful music.


​Deb started at Asbury South in 2018 as choir director and grew from there for any service music as needed.

Deb graduated from Ohio State University (Go Bucks!) and Marygrove College. Retired after 32 years, teaching vocals for junior high and high school in the Wauseon school system. To this day Deb continues to give private lessons in vocals. Deb enjoys free time with her three wonderful children and eight darling grandchildren.

*Deb continues today with private lessons if interested. Please contact Asbury South and leave a message.



Greg Seelenbinder:

Currently serving: Worship Board, Church Organist, Pianist, Alto Saxophone, and looking for Special Music Soloist to accompany him.

Greg joined Asbury South in 1969, as the organist, left and returned in 1998. As Asbury South's organist Greg started on the Hammond spinet organ. In the year 2000, Asbury South found a new sound with the Rogers organ that offers a mix of real pipes and digital sounds - aww now this is music to our ears.

Some of Greg's free time is bringing people joy with his musical talents by playing at Kensington Place and Westminster Thurber.



Ron Casteel:

Currently serving: Worship board, Praise team using his Fender guitar and at times vocals. Audio (soundboard wiz)/Video team, audio includes setting up microphones, overseeing radio congregation for sound, computer technician, Vacation Bible School, and Friday Morning Café

Previously served: Every board and committee at one time or another through the years of membership and taught sixth grade Sunday school for a couple of years.

Ron's kick off at Asbury South was in the late 1970's and still going strong. Bill Johnston, now resting in the light, asked Ron if he would toil his expertise to the service sound and, as they say, the rest is history.

When the sound is running smooth, Ron spends free time jamming on his Fender guitar with friends.




Steve Gavorcik:

Currently serving: Audio/Video Team, with Steve's primary masterful function as audio running the soundboard for the service, setting up microphones for special music, and turning on and making sure the radio congregation can hear the service.  Steve also helps with video, as needed, with setting up cameras and recording the service. Steve is usually first in on Sunday morning and fires up the system by turning on the devices.

Previously served: Vacation Bible School through the years

Steve entered Asbury South as a child and had an infant baptism.

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Insight 03-08-2024.pdf

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